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Dreamer in the Dark_Cover.jpg
Dreamer in the Dark


Mixed by Andreas Bjørck

Mastered by Ben Wiffen

Cover art by Jesse Lirola


ピアノソロアルバム。LAのEast West Studiosでレコーディングし、West One Music Groupよりリリース。



Piano - Marika Takeuchi

Violin/viola - Navid Hejazi

Cello - Ro Rowan

Guitar/vocals/additional violin/ukulele - Marika Takeuchi

Mixed by Andreas Bjørck

Cover art by Ebru Yildiz, Jim Perkins and Sam Beveridge

All music composed, arranged and programmed by Marika Takeuchi (Except #9 "Found Re-work")

#1 Melding and #4 Roots co-produced by Andreas Bjørck


色彩をテーマにし、ウィリアム・アッカーマンがプロデュースを手掛けた4作目 (2016)


Piano - Marika Takeuchi

Cello - Eugene Friesen

Violin - Si-Jing Huang

Mixed by Tom Eaton

Mastered by Matt Azevedo

Cover art by Leonid Afremov and Marika Takeuchi

Co-produced by Marika Takeuchi and Andreas Bjørck


全曲作編曲、ピアノ演奏 by Marika Takeuchi


雨をテーマにピアノソロから室内楽、二胡を使ったオーケストラ曲まで幅広く収めた 3rd アルバム (2014)


Flute - Yuji Kano

Oboe - Miri Kudo
Clarinet - Juan Ruiz

1st Violin - Jesse Irons, Emily Dahl, Natalie Calma

2nd Violin - Asuka Usui, Lilit Hartunitan

Viola - Jason Fisher
Cello - Jacques Lee Wood, Sassan Highighi

Erhu - Steve Chieh-Wei Chiu
Mixed/Mastered by Andreas Bjørck

Artwork - Jennie Marie Schell Photography and Marika Takeuchi

全曲作編曲、ピアノ演奏 by Marika Takeuchi
プロデュース by Marika Takeuchi and Andreas Bjørck







手がけた映画音楽とオリジナルの室内楽を収めた2ndアルバム (2013)

Flute - Sofia Ynes Gonzales Pikul 
Clarinet - Nick Quattrocchi
Violin - Yuki Nakajima, Helen Kim
Viola - Samantha Gillogoly
Cello - Sassan Haghighi

Recording Engineer - Yuki Ohnishi
Mixed/Mastered by Andreas Bjørck 
Cover art by Antonio Moreno Salmoral, Kio Griffith

全曲作編曲、ピアノ演奏、プロデュース by Marika Takeuchi


夜空をテーマにピアノソロと室内楽を収めたデビューアルバム  (2011)


Violin - Navid Hejazi, Yuki Nakajima, Maureen Choi, John-Micheal Brooks

Viola - Eri Itonaga

Cello - Ro Rowan
Recording Engineer - Yuki Ohnishi
Mixed/Mastered by Andreas Bjørck

Cover art by Antonio Moreno Salmoral

全曲作編曲、ピアノ演奏、プロデュース by Marika Takeuchi

ノルウェーの写真家TSO Photographyのタイムラプスビデオに楽曲提供したThe Arctic Lightのシングル (2011)

Mastered by Andreas Bjørck

Cover art by TSO Photography


作曲、ピアノ演奏 by Marika Takeuchi

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